Official German DDC
Official DDC homepage
Introductions to
the DDC (overview, use, notational system)
German introductions to the
Introductions by OCLC (Online
Computer Library Center)
Introductions by American
libraries/university libraries
DDC "How-To" literature (tutorials and exercises)
Current uses of the
DDC numbers in library online catalogs
and databases
- Online catalog of the German National Library
DDC numbers are shown in the title data. Direct search for DDC-indexed documents is possible by entering "ddc=" in the search field, e.g. "ddc=796.092".
MelvilSearch enables the user to search for specific DDC numbers or to browse the DDC hierarchies to get to the subject of interest. The number of literature indexed by the specific DDC number is displayed together with the class.
- DeweyBrowser
A beta version online catalog by OCLC. Allows for DDC searches in various ways: by DDC numbers, keywords, LC subject headings as well as by DDC main classes, divisions and sections when using the word cloud function on top of the page.
- LoC (Library of Congress)
online catalog
- GBV Union
DDC-classified literature having the same DDC number than the title displayed can be found within the title data by following the link in the category "Further documents".
Web catalogs / Subject gateways using Dewey
DDC in other web applications
- dewey.info
Dewey.info is an experimental space for linked DDC data. The initial data set available is a
linked data version of the DDC Summaries in eleven languages. The intention of the dewey.info prototype
is to be a platform for Dewey data on the Web.
- DeweyDigger
DeweyDigger allows for an explorative access to web search on the base of the DDC main classes. After entering a main class, a more specific subject can be chosen from a word cloud as well as the search engine to conduct the search.
DDC Funstuff
- Librarian
Action Figure. A librarian as an action doll. Her weapon of
choice: the DDC. An article on the development of this action
figure was published by the Seattle
- Library
Hotel in New York. Each of the ten guestroom floors of this
luxury hotel is dedicated to one of the main classes of the DDC.
Each room is furnished with books and art relevant to the specific
21 Contest
(Top ideas for repurposing old copies of the DDC 21 now that DDC
22 has been published, winning entries from a contest announced
by OCLC)