Search (294 results, page 10 of 15)
Savolainen, R.: Source preferences in the context of seeking problem-specific information (2008)
1.0 = *:*, product of: 1.0 = boost 1.0 = queryNorm
Kules, B.; Shneiderman, B.: Users can change their web search tactics : design guidelines for categorized overviews (2008)
1.0 = *:*, product of: 1.0 = boost 1.0 = queryNorm
Hoeber, O.; Yang, X.D.: Evaluating WordBars in exploratory Web search scenarios (2008)
1.0 = *:*, product of: 1.0 = boost 1.0 = queryNorm
Jansen, B.J.; Booth, D.L.; Spink, A.: Determining the informational, navigational, and transactional intent of Web queries (2008)
1.0 = *:*, product of: 1.0 = boost 1.0 = queryNorm
Wolfram, D.: Search characteristics in different types of Web-based IR environments : are they the same? (2008)
1.0 = *:*, product of: 1.0 = boost 1.0 = queryNorm
Thatcher, A.: Web search strategies : the influence of Web experience and task type (2008)
1.0 = *:*, product of: 1.0 = boost 1.0 = queryNorm
Zhang, Y.: ¬The influence of mental models on undergraduate students' searching behavior on the Web (2008)
1.0 = *:*, product of: 1.0 = boost 1.0 = queryNorm
Hsieh-Yee, I.: Research on Web-search behavior (2001)
1.0 = *:*, product of: 1.0 = boost 1.0 = queryNorm
Song, R.; Luo, Z.; Nie, J.-Y.; Yu, Y.; Hon, H.-W.: Identification of ambiguous queries in web search (2009)
1.0 = *:*, product of: 1.0 = boost 1.0 = queryNorm
Hyldegård, J.: Beyond the search process : exploring group members' information behavior in context (2009)
1.0 = *:*, product of: 1.0 = boost 1.0 = queryNorm
Mansourian, I.: Web search efficacy : definition and implementation (2008)
1.0 = *:*, product of: 1.0 = boost 1.0 = queryNorm
Mansourian, Y.: Contextual elements and conceptual components of information visibility on the web (2008)
1.0 = *:*, product of: 1.0 = boost 1.0 = queryNorm
Jansen, B.J.; Booth, D.L.; Spink, A.: Patterns of query reformulation during Web searching (2009)
1.0 = *:*, product of: 1.0 = boost 1.0 = queryNorm
Lee, H.-J.; Muresan, G.: Mediated Web information retrieval for a complex searching task (2009)
1.0 = *:*, product of: 1.0 = boost 1.0 = queryNorm
Pera, M.S.; Lund, W.; Ng, Y.-K.: ¬A sophisticated library search strategy using folksonomies and similarity matching (2009)
1.0 = *:*, product of: 1.0 = boost 1.0 = queryNorm
Zhang, J.; Wolfram, D.; Wang, P.: Analysis of query keywords of sports-related queries using visualization and clustering (2009)
1.0 = *:*, product of: 1.0 = boost 1.0 = queryNorm
Bowler, L.: ¬The self-regulation of curiosity and interest during the information search process of adolescent students (2010)
1.0 = *:*, product of: 1.0 = boost 1.0 = queryNorm
Taylor, A.; Zhang, X.; Amadio, W.J.: Examination of relevance criteria choices and the information search process (2009)
1.0 = *:*, product of: 1.0 = boost 1.0 = queryNorm
Spink, A.; Danby, S.; Mallan, K.; Butler, C.: Exploring young children's web searching and technoliteracy (2010)
1.0 = *:*, product of: 1.0 = boost 1.0 = queryNorm
Yuan, X.; Belkin, N.J.: Investigating information retrieval support techniques for different information-seeking strategies (2010)
1.0 = *:*, product of: 1.0 = boost 1.0 = queryNorm
- Spink, A. 14
- Ford, N. 12
- Wilson, T.D. 8
- Bates, M.J. 6
- Foster, A. 6
- Miller, D. 6
- Pejtersen, A.M. 6
- Vakkari, P. 6
- Ellis, D. 5
- Jansen, B.J. 5
- Moss, N. 5
- Xie, I. 5
- Joo, S. 4
- Kuhlthau, C.C. 4
- Savolainen, R. 4
- Wildemuth, B.M. 4
- Blandford, A. 3
- Booth, D.L. 3
- Choi, Y. 3
- Cole, C. 3
- Hoeber, O. 3
- Hsieh-Yee, I. 3
- Iivonen, M. 3
- Marchionini, G. 3
- Shah, C. 3
- Slone, D.J. 3
- Topi, H. 3
- Wang, P. 3
- White, R.W. 3
- Whitmire, E. 3
- Belkin, N.J. 2
- Bhavnani, S.K. 2
- Byström, K. 2
- Case, D.O. 2
- Chen, S.Y. 2
- Drabenstott, K.M. 2
- Ehrmann, D. 2
- Ford, N.J. 2
- Goh, D.H.-L. 2
- Heinström, J. 2
- Hyldegård, J. 2
- Järvelin, K. 2
- Kamps, J. 2
- Kim, K.-S. 2
- Lee, S.-S. 2
- Lin, S.-j. 2
- Lucas, W. 2
- Morse, P.M. 2
- Nicholas, D. 2
- Notess, G.R. 2
- Pharo, N. 2
- Rieh, S.Y. 2
- Sa, N. 2
- Saastamoinen, M. 2
- Sanderson, M. 2
- Sbaffi, L. 2
- Sharples, S. 2
- Stefl-Mabry, J. 2
- Still, J. 2
- Theng, Y.-L. 2
- Wacholder, N. 2
- Wang, S. 2
- White, M.D. 2
- Williams, P. 2
- Wolfram, D. 2
- Xu, Y. 2
- Yuan, X. 2
- Zhang, X. 2
- Abacha, A.B. 1
- Adams, V.M. 1
- Agarwal, N.K. 1
- Allard, S.L. 1
- Allen, B. 1
- Aloteibi, S. 1
- Amadieu, F. 1
- Amadieua, F. 1
- Amadio, W.J. 1
- Andrews, J. 1
- Archer, N.P. 1
- Ardito, S.C. 1
- Attalla, H. 1
- Attfield, S. 1
- Azzopardi, L. 1
- Babu, R. 1
- Ball, C. 1
- Bao, Y. 1
- Bar-Ilan, J. 1
- Barrio, P. 1
- Barsky, E. 1
- Baruchson-Arbib, S. 1
- Basch, R. 1
- Beaulieu, M. 1
- Becker, N.J. 1
- Belkin, N. 1
- Bell, S.S. 1
- Bennett-Kapusniak, R. 1
- Bense, H. 1
- Berget, G. 1
- Bergman, O. 1
- Berry, M.W. 1
- More… Less…
- Benutzerstudien 66
- Suchmaschinen 33
- Informationsdienstleistungen 31
- Internet 31
- OPAC 9
- Semantisches Umfeld in Indexierung u. Retrieval 7
- Literaturübersicht 6
- Schöne Literatur 6
- Information 5
- Retrievalstudien 4
- Informationsmittel 2
- Katalogfragen allgemein 2
- Visualisierung 2
- Ausbildung 1
- Automatisches Indexieren 1
- Case Based Reasoning 1
- Computerlinguistik 1
- Folksonomies 1
- Hypertext 1
- Information Resources Management 1
- Informetrie 1
- Inhaltsanalyse 1
- Retrievalalgorithmen 1
- Sprachretrieval 1
- Suchoberflächen 1
- Wissensrepräsentation 1
- More… Less…
- Database design 1
- Database searching 1
- Datenbank / Online-Recherche (21) 1
- Information Retrieval 1
- Information Retrieval (GBV) 1
- Information Retrieval / Datenbanksystem (BVB) 1
- Information Retrieval / Datenbanksystem / Suchmaschine (GBV) 1
- Information Retrieval / Ubiquitous Computing (GBV) 1
- Information retrieval 1
- Information retrieval / Use of / On-line computers 1
- Information storage and retrieval systems 1
- Informationsbedarf 1
- Internet / Suchmaschine (21) 1
- Online-Dienst / Online-Recherche (21) 1
- Recherche / Strategie 1
- Suchmaschine 1
- More… Less…
- ST 270 2
- 005.74 / dc22 1
- 02.13 (Wissenschaftspraxis) 1
- 025.04 1
- 025.524 / dc23 1
- 06.30 (Bibliothekswesen / Dokumentationswesen: Allgemeines) 1
- 06.74 1
- 06.74 (Informationssysteme) 1
- 06.74 / Informationssysteme 1
- 06.74 Informationssysteme 1
- 54.65 1
- 54.72 1
- AN 95000 1
- AZE (PB) 1
- BCA (FH K) 1
- BCAQ (FH K) 1
- QA76.9.D26M673 2005 1
- ZA3075 1
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