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  • × theme_ss:"Geschichte der Sacherschließung"
  1. Kilgour, F.G.: Origins of coordinate searching (1997) 1.00
    1.0 = *:*, product of:
      1.0 = boost
      1.0 = queryNorm
  2. From classification to 'knowledge organization' : Dorking revisited or 'past is prelude'. A collection of reprints to commemorate the firty year span between the Dorking Conference (First International Study Conference on Classification Research 1957) and the Sixth International Study Conference on Classification Research (London 1997) (1997) 1.00
    1.0 = *:*, product of:
      1.0 = boost
      1.0 = queryNorm
  3. Roloff, H.: ¬Die Katalogisierung (1961) 1.00
    1.0 = *:*, product of:
      1.0 = boost
      1.0 = queryNorm
  4. Rayward, W.B.: Visions of Xanadu : Paul Otlet (1868-1944) and hypertext (1994) 1.00
    1.0 = *:*, product of:
      1.0 = boost
      1.0 = queryNorm
  5. Schrettinger, M.: Handbuch der Bibliothek-Wissenschaft besonders zum Gebrauch der Nicht-Bibliothekare, welche ihre Privat-Büchersammlungen selbst einrichten wollen : Auch als Leitfaden zu Vorlesungen über die Bibliothek-Wissenschaft zu gebrauchen (1834) 1.00
    1.0 = *:*, product of:
      1.0 = boost
      1.0 = queryNorm
  6. Bell, H.K.: History of indexing societies : Pt.3: Society of Indexers 1968-1977 (1998) 1.00
    1.0 = *:*, product of:
      1.0 = boost
      1.0 = queryNorm
  7. Stählin, A.: Zur Geschichte der Systematischen Kataloge der Universitätsbibliothek Erlangen (1960) 1.00
    1.0 = *:*, product of:
      1.0 = boost
      1.0 = queryNorm
  8. Fietz, R.: ¬Der alte Realkatalog der Landesbibliothek Oldenburg : Seine Entstehung und seine Systematik (1992) 1.00
    1.0 = *:*, product of:
      1.0 = boost
      1.0 = queryNorm
  9. Greubel, R.: ¬Die Abteilungsbibliothek Schweinfurt der Fachhochschule Würzburg-Schweinfurt-Aschaffenburg (1995) 1.00
    1.0 = *:*, product of:
      1.0 = boost
      1.0 = queryNorm
  10. Rang, B.: Zur Frage der Systematik und der Neuordnung der systematischen Kataloge (1939) 1.00
    1.0 = *:*, product of:
      1.0 = boost
      1.0 = queryNorm
  11. Hofmann, H.: Beiträge zur Sachkatalogisierung (1938) 1.00
    1.0 = *:*, product of:
      1.0 = boost
      1.0 = queryNorm
  12. Gippert, M.: ¬Die Entwicklung der klassifikatorischen Sacherschließung in Öffentlichen Bibliotheken der Bundesrepublik Deutschland am Ende des II. Weltkrieges bis 1982 (1983) 1.00
    1.0 = *:*, product of:
      1.0 = boost
      1.0 = queryNorm
  13. Grunwald, W.: Klassifikationstheorie (1968) 1.00
    1.0 = *:*, product of:
      1.0 = boost
      1.0 = queryNorm
  14. McIlwaine, I.C.; Broughton, V.: ¬The Classification Research Group : then and now (2000) 1.00
    1.0 = *:*, product of:
      1.0 = boost
      1.0 = queryNorm
  15. Schrettinger, M.: Versuch eines vollständigen Lehrbuchs der Bibliothek-Wissenschaft (1808-29) 1.00
    1.0 = *:*, product of:
      1.0 = boost
      1.0 = queryNorm
  16. Dutta, A.: ¬A journey from Cutter to Austin : critical analysis of their contribution in subject indexing (2017) 1.00
    1.0 = *:*, product of:
      1.0 = boost
      1.0 = queryNorm
  17. Riplinger, T.: ¬Die Bedeutung der Methode Eppelsheimer für Theorie und Praxis der bibliothekarischen und der dokumentarischen Sacherschließung (2004) 1.00
    1.0 = *:*, product of:
      1.0 = boost
      1.0 = queryNorm
  18. Kawamura, K.: Ranganathan and after : Coates' practice and theory (2004) 1.00
    1.0 = *:*, product of:
      1.0 = boost
      1.0 = queryNorm
  19. Pettee, J.: ¬The subject approach to books and the development of the dictionary catalog (1985) 1.00
    1.0 = *:*, product of:
      1.0 = boost
      1.0 = queryNorm
  20. Cutter, C.A.: Subjects (1985) 1.00
    1.0 = *:*, product of:
      1.0 = boost
      1.0 = queryNorm



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