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author_ss:"Condit, A."
Taghva, K.; Borsack, J.; Condit, A.: Evaluation of model-based retrieval effectiveness with OCR text (1996)
1.0 = *:*, product of: 1.0 = boost 1.0 = queryNorm
Tagheva, K.; Borsack, J.; Condit, A.: Effects of OCR errors on ranking and feedback using the vector space model (1996)
1.0 = *:*, product of: 1.0 = boost 1.0 = queryNorm
Taghva, K.; Borsack, J.; Nartker, T.; Condit, A.: ¬The role of manually-assigned keywords in query expansion (2004)
1.0 = *:*, product of: 1.0 = boost 1.0 = queryNorm
- Borsack, J. 3
- Taghva, K. 2
- Nartker, T. 1
- Tagheva, K. 1