Document (#4840)

Zorbas, E.
Whitcomb, L.
¬The EPIC experience : an assessment of OCLC's new online system after its first year
Reference services review. 19(1991) no.4, S.45-48,84
OCLC's EPIC system continues to evolve since it was first released in Jan 90. Initially EPIC offered improved access to OCLC's bibliographic database. Since then, it has added numerous databases and opened a gateway to EasyNet. EPIC's growth puts it in the category of a potential competitor to such established systems as DIALOG, BRS and Wilsonline. Assesses how libraries are using and learning EPIC, based on an informal survey of California library subscribers. Evaluates EPIC's applications for reference, pricing, and the tools available for learning the system. Discusses improvements and the likely future of EPIC

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