Document (#26390)

Resnick, L.B., C. Pontcorvo, R. Säljö u. R. Burge
Discourse, tools and reasoning : essays on situated cognition: Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Discourse, Tools, and Reasoning:Situated Cognition and Technologically Supported Environments, held in Lucca (Il Ciocco), Italy, November 2-7, 1993
Berlin : Springer
XII,474 S
NATO ASI series F; vol.160
To reason is to talk. To think is to use tools. To learn is to join a community of practice. This book explores thought and reasoning as inherently social practices, as actions situated in specific environments of demand, opportunity, and accountability. Authors from diverse disciplines psychology, sociology, artificial intelligence, linguistics, anthropology - examine how people think and learn in settings as diverse as a factory, a classroom or an airplane cockpit. The tools that people use in these varied settings are both physical technologies and cultural constructions: concepts, structures of reasoning, and forms of discourse. This volume in the NATO Special Programme on Advanced Educational Technology is based on an international conference on situated cognition and learning technologies.
Distributed cognition: Tools, discourse, and activity in complex work environments.- Negotiating identities: The construction of socio-cognitive communities.- Learning in practice: How people and tools shape one another.Accountable talk: Learning to reason.

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