Document (#16941)

Affleck, M.A.
Burnout among bibliographic instruction librarians
Library and information science research. 18(1996) no.2, S.165-183
The library literature suggests that bibliographic instruction (BI) librarians are at risk for burnout, a syndrome of emotional ehaustion, depersonalization, and loss of a sense of personal accomplishment. To assess the extent and nature of burnout in this group 142 college and university librarians in New England, USA completed the Maslach Burnout Inventory and a Role Questionnaire, using a mailed survey. Survey data indicate that BI librarians experience burnout, with 52% reporting high burnout in one dimension of the syndrome and 8,5% showing high burnout in all 3 dimensions. Follow-up interviews explored the nature of the role conflict experienced by survey respondents and its contribution to burnout. The study raised questions about the failure of the profession to provide adequate educational preparation for the role of the BI librarian

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