Search (18671 results, page 24 of 934)

  • × year_i:[1990 TO 2000}
  1. Paice, C.D.: ¬A thesaural model of information retrieval (1991) 1.00
    1.0 = *:*, product of:
      1.0 = boost
      1.0 = queryNorm
  2. Jackson, P.: ¬A thesaurus for enhanced geographic access (1991) 1.00
    1.0 = *:*, product of:
      1.0 = boost
      1.0 = queryNorm
  3. Al-Hawamdeh, S.; Smith, G.; Willett, P.; Vere, R. de: Using nearest-neighbour searching techniques to access full-text documents (1991) 1.00
    1.0 = *:*, product of:
      1.0 = boost
      1.0 = queryNorm
  4. Sano, H.: Consise display of index entries (1991) 1.00
    1.0 = *:*, product of:
      1.0 = boost
      1.0 = queryNorm
  5. Frantz, P.: ¬A gaping black hole in the bibliographic universe (1990) 1.00
    1.0 = *:*, product of:
      1.0 = boost
      1.0 = queryNorm
  6. Davis, B.B.: Indiana State University's NOTIS service group (1991) 1.00
    1.0 = *:*, product of:
      1.0 = boost
      1.0 = queryNorm
  7. Morris, L.R.: ¬The frequency of use of Library of Congress Classification numbers and Dewey Decimal Classification numbers in the MARC file in the field of library science (1991) 1.00
    1.0 = *:*, product of:
      1.0 = boost
      1.0 = queryNorm
  8. Walther, J.: ¬La construction d'un langage documentaire pluridisciplinaire (1992) 1.00
    1.0 = *:*, product of:
      1.0 = boost
      1.0 = queryNorm
  9. Ruge, G.; Schwarz, C.: Term association and computational linguistics (1991) 1.00
    1.0 = *:*, product of:
      1.0 = boost
      1.0 = queryNorm
  10. Milstead, J.L.: Methodologies for subject analysis in bibliographic databases (1992) 1.00
    1.0 = *:*, product of:
      1.0 = boost
      1.0 = queryNorm
  11. Gianone, C.M.: MS-DOS-KERMIT : das universelle Kommunikationsprogramm, Einführung und Referenz (1991) 1.00
    1.0 = *:*, product of:
      1.0 = boost
      1.0 = queryNorm
  12. Koryconski, C.; Newell, A.F.: Natural-language processing and automatic indexing (1990) 1.00
    1.0 = *:*, product of:
      1.0 = boost
      1.0 = queryNorm
  13. Renouf, A.: Sticking to the text : a corpus linguist's view of language (1993) 1.00
    1.0 = *:*, product of:
      1.0 = boost
      1.0 = queryNorm
  14. Allen, R.B.; Obry, P.; Littman, M.: ¬An interface for navigating clustered document sets returned by queries (1993) 1.00
    1.0 = *:*, product of:
      1.0 = boost
      1.0 = queryNorm
  15. Scheer, A.W.: Principles of efficient information management (1991) 1.00
    1.0 = *:*, product of:
      1.0 = boost
      1.0 = queryNorm
  16. Hou, H.; Chen, S.: ¬The integration of Chinese classification and thesaurus : its progress and technical features (1996) 1.00
    1.0 = *:*, product of:
      1.0 = boost
      1.0 = queryNorm
  17. Poitrenaud, S.: ¬The PROCOPE semantic network : an alternative to action grammars (1995) 1.00
    1.0 = *:*, product of:
      1.0 = boost
      1.0 = queryNorm
  18. Niederehe, H.: MULTIMEDIA - Informationsangebot für die Zukunft? (1994) 1.00
    1.0 = *:*, product of:
      1.0 = boost
      1.0 = queryNorm
  19. Salton, G.: Future prospects for text-based information retrieval (1990) 1.00
    1.0 = *:*, product of:
      1.0 = boost
      1.0 = queryNorm
  20. Poler, E.M.: Overcoming limitations in database searches (1992) 1.00
    1.0 = *:*, product of:
      1.0 = boost
      1.0 = queryNorm





