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Can, F.: Incremental clustering for dynamic information processing (1993)
1.0 = *:*, product of: 1.0 = boost 1.0 = queryNorm
Quint, B.: Check out the new RANK command on DIALOG (1993)
1.0 = *:*, product of: 1.0 = boost 1.0 = queryNorm
Salton, G.: ¬A simple blueprint for automatic Boolean query processing (1988)
1.0 = *:*, product of: 1.0 = boost 1.0 = queryNorm
Rada, R.; Bicknell, E.: Ranking documents with a thesaurus (1989)
1.0 = *:*, product of: 1.0 = boost 1.0 = queryNorm
Chang, R.: ¬The development of indexing technology (1993)
1.0 = *:*, product of: 1.0 = boost 1.0 = queryNorm
Tenopir, C.: Online databases : natural language searching with WIN (1993)
1.0 = *:*, product of: 1.0 = boost 1.0 = queryNorm
Chang, R.: Keyword searching and indexing (1993)
1.0 = *:*, product of: 1.0 = boost 1.0 = queryNorm
Jones, G.; Robertson, A.M.; Willett, P.: ¬An introduction to genetic algorithms and to their use in information retrieval (1994)
1.0 = *:*, product of: 1.0 = boost 1.0 = queryNorm
Kantor, P.B.: ¬The logic of weighted queries (1981)
1.0 = *:*, product of: 1.0 = boost 1.0 = queryNorm
Couvreur, T.R.; Benzel, R.N.; Miller, S.F.; Zeitler, D.N.; Lee, D.L.; Singhal, M.; Shivaratri, N.; Wong, W.Y.P.: ¬An analysis of performance and cost factors in searching large text databases using parallel search systems (1994)
1.0 = *:*, product of: 1.0 = boost 1.0 = queryNorm
Reddaway, S.: High speed text retrieval from large databases on a massively parallel processor (1991)
1.0 = *:*, product of: 1.0 = boost 1.0 = queryNorm
Liddy, E.D.: ¬An alternative representation for documents and queries (1993)
1.0 = *:*, product of: 1.0 = boost 1.0 = queryNorm
Willett, P.: Best-match text retrieval (1993)
1.0 = *:*, product of: 1.0 = boost 1.0 = queryNorm
O'Leary, M.: DIALOG TARGET's new age searching (1993)
1.0 = *:*, product of: 1.0 = boost 1.0 = queryNorm
Robertson, S.E.: OKAPI at TREC-1 (1994)
1.0 = *:*, product of: 1.0 = boost 1.0 = queryNorm
Ojala, M.: Decisions, decisions, RANK decisions (1994)
1.0 = *:*, product of: 1.0 = boost 1.0 = queryNorm
Srinivasan, P.: Query expansion and MEDLINE (1996)
1.0 = *:*, product of: 1.0 = boost 1.0 = queryNorm
Evans, R.: Beyond Boolean : relevance ranking, natural language and the new search paradigm (1994)
1.0 = *:*, product of: 1.0 = boost 1.0 = queryNorm
Clarke, C.L.A.; Cormack, G.V.; Burkowski, F.J.: Shortest substring ranking : multitext experiments for TREC-4 (1996)
1.0 = *:*, product of: 1.0 = boost 1.0 = queryNorm
Loughran, H.: ¬A review of nearest neighbour information retrieval (1994)
1.0 = *:*, product of: 1.0 = boost 1.0 = queryNorm
- Robertson, S.E. 9
- Fuhr, N. 8
- Willett, P. 7
- Lalmas, M. 6
- Sparck Jones, K. 5
- Wu, H. 5
- Ding, Y. 4
- Ruthven, I. 4
- Salton, G. 4
- Allan, J. 3
- Baeza-Yates, R.A. 3
- Berry, M.W. 3
- Bodoff, D. 3
- Chen, H. 3
- Dang, E.K.F. 3
- Dominich, S. 3
- Efron, M. 3
- Fox, E. 3
- Guerrero-Bote, V.P. 3
- Harman, D. 3
- Hoenkamp, E. 3
- Lanvent, A. 3
- Lee, D.L. 3
- Liddy, E.D. 3
- Luk, R.W.P. 3
- MacFarlane, A. 3
- Mayr, P. 3
- McCann, J.A. 3
- Moya-Anegón, F. de 3
- Rijsbergen, C.J. van 3
- Savoy, J. 3
- Stock, W.G. 3
- White, R.W. 3
- Zhu, B. 3
- Baeza-Yates, R. 2
- Bar-Ilan, J. 2
- Behnert, C. 2
- Belkin, N.J. 2
- Borst, T. 2
- Boughanem, M. 2
- Browne, M. 2
- Bruza, P. 2
- Bruza, P.D. 2
- Buckley, C. 2
- Carpineto, C. 2
- Chang, R. 2
- Chen, Z. 2
- Clarke, C.L.A. 2
- Cole, C. 2
- Cormack, G.V. 2
- Crestani, F. 2
- Croft, W.B. 2
- Davis, C.H. 2
- Efthimiadis, E.N. 2
- Fan, W. 2
- Fernandes, D. 2
- Frieder, O. 2
- Goharian, N. 2
- Gonçalves, M.A. 2
- Harper, D.J. 2
- Henzinger, M.R. 2
- Herrera-Viedma, E. 2
- Huang, J.X. 2
- Hubert, G. 2
- Jin, H. 2
- Jose, J.M. 2
- Järvelin, K. 2
- Karamuftuoglu, M. 2
- Keen, E.M. 2
- Kekäläinen, J. 2
- Klas, C.-P. 2
- Kleinberg, J.M. 2
- Kwok, K.L. 2
- Lee, W. 2
- Levene, M. 2
- Lewandowski, D. 2
- Li, H. 2
- Li, W. 2
- Liu, X. 2
- Losee, R.M. 2
- López-Pujalte, C. 2
- Mandl, T. 2
- Maron, M.E. 2
- McKenna, M. 2
- Moffat, A. 2
- Moura, E.S. de 2
- Ning, X. 2
- Oberhauser, O. 2
- Ojala, M. 2
- Rada, R. 2
- Ribeiro-Neto, B. 2
- Robertson, A.M. 2
- Robertson, S. 2
- Romano, G. 2
- Schaefer, A. 2
- Silva, A.S. da 2
- Smeaton, A.F. 2
- Smith, M.P. 2
- Song, D. 2
- Spink, A. 2
- More… Less…
- Suchmaschinen 36
- Semantisches Umfeld in Indexierung u. Retrieval 26
- Computerlinguistik 13
- Informetrie 12
- OPAC 11
- Retrievalstudien 8
- Automatisches Indexieren 6
- Multilinguale Probleme 3
- Automatisches Klassifizieren 2
- Internet 2
- Katalogfragen allgemein 2
- Semantische Interoperabilität 2
- Sprachretrieval 2
- Suchoberflächen 2
- Volltextretrieval 2
- Wissensrepräsentation 2
- Automatisches Abstracting 1
- Benutzerstudien 1
- Data Mining 1
- Formale Begriffsanalyse 1
- Hypertext 1
- Indexierungsstudien 1
- Multimedia 1
- Normdateien 1
- Semantic Web 1
- Suchtaktik 1
- More… Less…
- Suchmaschine / Information Retrieval 2
- Suchmaschine / Information Retrieval / Mathematisches Modell (HEBIS) 2
- Text processing (Computer science) 2
- Vector spaces 2
- Web search engines 2
- Computer science / Mathematics 1
- Google / Suchmaschine / Ranking (BVB) 1
- Google / Web-Seite / Rangstatistik (HEBIS) 1
- Information Retrieval / Neuronales Netz 1
- Information retrieval 1
- Information storage and retrieval 1
- Online-Recherche / Mathematische Methode 1
- Query languages (Computer science) 1
- Relevanz-Feedback / Information Retrieval 1
- Webpage / Rangstatistik (GBV) 1
- World Wide Web / Suchmaschine / Mathematisches Modell (BVB) 1
- XML (Document markup language) 1
- More… Less…
- 06.74 / Informationssysteme 4
- 025.04 2
- 31.80 / Angewandte Mathematik 2
- 004/.01/51 / dc21 1
- 025.04 / DDC22ger 1
- 06.35 Informationsmanagement 1
- 06.44 / IuD-Einrichtungen 1
- 06.70 / Katalogisierung / Bestandserschließung 1
- 54.10 Theoretische Informatik 1
- 54.32 / Rechnerkommunikation 1
- 54.64 / Datenbanken 1
- 54.65 / Webentwicklung / Webanwendungen 1
- BCA (FH K) 1
- QA76.76.H94 1
- QA76.9.M35D66 2001 1
- ST 230 [Informatik # Monographien # Software und -entwicklung # Software allgemein, (Einführung, Lehrbücher, Methoden der Programmierung) Software engineering, Programmentwicklungssysteme, Softwarewerkzeuge] 1
- ST 270 1
- ST 271 1
- TK5105.884.B47 1999 1
- TK5105.884.B47 2005 1
- TLQ (W) 1
- TVA (W) 1
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