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  • × theme_ss:"Klassifikationstheorie: Elemente / Struktur"
  1. Dahlberg, I.: Einteilungsprinzipien von Klassifikationssystemen (1974) 1.00
    1.0 = *:*, product of:
      1.0 = boost
      1.0 = queryNorm
  2. Kluth, R.: Schlagwortindex und Schlagwortkatalog (1957) 1.00
    1.0 = *:*, product of:
      1.0 = boost
      1.0 = queryNorm
  3. Maltby, A.: Classification : logic, limits, levels (1976) 1.00
    1.0 = *:*, product of:
      1.0 = boost
      1.0 = queryNorm
  4. Thiele, R.: ¬Ein Lehrbuch für die Klassifikationstheorie? : Ein Besprechungsaufsatz zu: Brian Buchanan: Bibliothekarische Klassifikationstheorie. München: Saur 1989. (1992) 1.00
    1.0 = *:*, product of:
      1.0 = boost
      1.0 = queryNorm
  5. Foskett, D.J.: ¬The construction of a faceted classification for a special subject (1959) 1.00
    1.0 = *:*, product of:
      1.0 = boost
      1.0 = queryNorm
  6. DIN 2331: Begriffssysteme und ihre Darstellung (1980) 1.00
    1.0 = *:*, product of:
      1.0 = boost
      1.0 = queryNorm
  7. Broadfield, A.: ¬The philosophy of classification (1956) 1.00
    1.0 = *:*, product of:
      1.0 = boost
      1.0 = queryNorm
  8. Shera, J.H.: Pattern, structure, and conceptualization in classification for information retrieval (1957) 1.00
    1.0 = *:*, product of:
      1.0 = boost
      1.0 = queryNorm
  9. Henrichs, N.: Gegenstandstheoretische Grundlagen der Bibliotheksklassifikation? (1979) 1.00
    1.0 = *:*, product of:
      1.0 = boost
      1.0 = queryNorm
  10. Svenonius, E.: Facets as semantic categories (1979) 1.00
    1.0 = *:*, product of:
      1.0 = boost
      1.0 = queryNorm
  11. Kaula, P.N.: Canons in analytico-synthetic classification (1979) 1.00
    1.0 = *:*, product of:
      1.0 = boost
      1.0 = queryNorm
  12. Weinberger, O.: Begriffsstruktur und Klassifikation (1980) 1.00
    1.0 = *:*, product of:
      1.0 = boost
      1.0 = queryNorm
  13. Rescheleit, W.; Menner, L.: Vergleich der Wissensrepräsentationssprache FRL mit Dezimalklassifikation und Facettenklassifikation (1986) 1.00
    1.0 = *:*, product of:
      1.0 = boost
      1.0 = queryNorm
  14. Bury, S.: Comparison of classification schedules for libraries (1980) 1.00
    1.0 = *:*, product of:
      1.0 = boost
      1.0 = queryNorm
  15. Fairthorne, R.A.: Temporal structure in bibliographic classification (1978) 1.00
    1.0 = *:*, product of:
      1.0 = boost
      1.0 = queryNorm
  16. Farradane, J.E.L.: ¬A scientific theory of classification and indexing and its practical applications (1950) 1.00
    1.0 = *:*, product of:
      1.0 = boost
      1.0 = queryNorm
  17. Farradane, J.E.L.: ¬A scientific theory of classification and indexing : further considerations (1952) 1.00
    1.0 = *:*, product of:
      1.0 = boost
      1.0 = queryNorm
  18. Körner, S.: Classification theory (1976) 1.00
    1.0 = *:*, product of:
      1.0 = boost
      1.0 = queryNorm
  19. Lang, F.: Klassifikation : T.1-2. (1979-80) 1.00
    1.0 = *:*, product of:
      1.0 = boost
      1.0 = queryNorm
  20. McLachlan, H.V.: Buchanan, Locke and Wittgenstein on classification (1981) 1.00
    1.0 = *:*, product of:
      1.0 = boost
      1.0 = queryNorm




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