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  • × author_ss:"Witt, M."
  1. Heijligers, T.; Pineda, I. de; Kasparova, N.T.; Rinn, R.; Tillett, B.; Witt, M.: Structures of corporate name headings : final report of the Working Group on the Revision of FSCH (IFLA Section on Cataloguing) (2001) 9.50
    9.499662 = weight(author_ss:Tillett, B. in 520) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
      9.499662 = fieldWeight in 520, product of:
        1.0 = tf(freq=1.0), with freq of:
          1.0 = termFreq=1.0
        9.499662 = idf(docFreq=8, maxDocs=44218)
        1.0 = fieldNorm(doc=520)
    Tillett, B.