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  • × author_ss:"Slavic, A."
  1. Slavic, A.; Baiget, C.: Using Dublin Core in educational material : some practical considerations based on the EASEL experience (2001) 1.00
    1.0 = *:*, product of:
      1.0 = boost
      1.0 = queryNorm
  2. Slavic, A.; Turkulin, B.: Prevajanje klasifikacijskih oznak v naravni jezik (1998) 1.00
    1.0 = *:*, product of:
      1.0 = boost
      1.0 = queryNorm
  3. Slavic, A.; Pika, J.; Riesthuis, G.; Overfield, C.: German UDC translation project (2007) 1.00
    1.0 = *:*, product of:
      1.0 = boost
      1.0 = queryNorm
  4. Slavic, A.: UDC implementation : from library shelves to a structured indexing language (2003) 1.00
    1.0 = *:*, product of:
      1.0 = boost
      1.0 = queryNorm
  5. Slavic, A.: Interface to classification : some objectives and options (2006) 1.00
    1.0 = *:*, product of:
      1.0 = boost
      1.0 = queryNorm
  6. Slavic, A.: AHDS gets to grips with FAT (2002) 1.00
    1.0 = *:*, product of:
      1.0 = boost
      1.0 = queryNorm
  7. Cordeiro, M.I.; Slavic, A.: Data models for knowledge organization tools : evolution and perspectives (2003) 1.00
    1.0 = *:*, product of:
      1.0 = boost
      1.0 = queryNorm
  8. Slavic, A.; Cordeiro, M.I.: Core requirements for automation of analytico-synthetic classifications (2004) 1.00
    1.0 = *:*, product of:
      1.0 = boost
      1.0 = queryNorm
  9. Lasic-Lazic, J.; Slavic, A.; Banek, M.: Gemeinsame Ausbildung der IT Spezialisten an der Universität Zagreb : Vorteile und Probleme (2004) 1.00
    1.0 = *:*, product of:
      1.0 = boost
      1.0 = queryNorm
  10. Slavic, A.: UDC translations : a 2004 survey report and bibliography (2004) 1.00
    1.0 = *:*, product of:
      1.0 = boost
      1.0 = queryNorm
  11. Slavic, A.: UDC implementation : from library shelves to a structured indexing language (2003) 1.00
    1.0 = *:*, product of:
      1.0 = boost
      1.0 = queryNorm
  12. Slavic, A.: Teaching classification to fit a modern and sustainable LIS curriculum : the case of Croatia (2002) 1.00
    1.0 = *:*, product of:
      1.0 = boost
      1.0 = queryNorm
  13. Slavic, A.: General library classification in learning material metadata : the application in IMS/LOM and CDMES metadata schemas (2003) 1.00
    1.0 = *:*, product of:
      1.0 = boost
      1.0 = queryNorm
  14. Slavic, A.: UDC in subject gateways : experiment or opportunity? (2006) 1.00
    1.0 = *:*, product of:
      1.0 = boost
      1.0 = queryNorm
  15. Slavic, A.: UDC Online : Universal Decimal Classificationon the Web - (2007) 1.00
    1.0 = *:*, product of:
      1.0 = boost
      1.0 = queryNorm
  16. Slavic, A.: On the nature and typology of documentary classifications and their use in a networked environment (2007) 1.00
    1.0 = *:*, product of:
      1.0 = boost
      1.0 = queryNorm
  17. Slavic, A.: Use of the Universal Decimal Classification : a world-wide survey (2008) 1.00
    1.0 = *:*, product of:
      1.0 = boost
      1.0 = queryNorm
  18. Slavic, A.; Cordeiro, M.I.; Riesthuis, G.: Maintenance of the Universal Decimal Classification : overview of the past and preparations for the future (2008) 1.00
    1.0 = *:*, product of:
      1.0 = boost
      1.0 = queryNorm
  19. Slavic, A.: Faceted classification : management and use (2008) 1.00
    1.0 = *:*, product of:
      1.0 = boost
      1.0 = queryNorm
  20. Slavic, A.: Mapping intricacies : UDC to DDC (2010) 1.00
    1.0 = *:*, product of:
      1.0 = boost
      1.0 = queryNorm