Sugimoto, C.R.; Mostafa, J.: ¬A note of concern and context : on careful use of terminologies (2018)
1.0 = *:*, product of:
1.0 = boost
1.0 = queryNorm
Mostafa, J.: Digital image representation and access (1994)
1.0 = *:*, product of:
1.0 = boost
1.0 = queryNorm
Mostafa, J.; Dillon, A.: Design and evaluation of a user interface supporting multiple image query models (1996)
1.0 = *:*, product of:
1.0 = boost
1.0 = queryNorm
Heffron, J.K.; Dillon, A.; Mostafa, J.: Landmarks in the World Wide Web : a preliminary study (1996)
1.0 = *:*, product of:
1.0 = boost
1.0 = queryNorm
Mostafa, J.; Quiroga, L.M.; Palakal, M.: Filtering medical documents using automated and human classification methods (1998)
1.0 = *:*, product of:
1.0 = boost
1.0 = queryNorm
Lam, W.; Mostafa, J.: Modeling user interest shift using a Baysian approach (2001)
1.0 = *:*, product of:
1.0 = boost
1.0 = queryNorm
Mukhopadhyay, S.; Peng, S.; Raje, R.; Palakal, M.; Mostafa, J.: Multi-agent information classification using dynamic acquaintance lists (2003)
1.0 = *:*, product of:
1.0 = boost
1.0 = queryNorm
Mostafa, J.: Document search interface design : background and introduction to special topic section (2004)
1.0 = *:*, product of:
1.0 = boost
1.0 = queryNorm
Quiroga, L.M.; Mostafa, J.: ¬An experiment in building profiles in information filtering : the role of context of user relevance feedback (2002)
1.0 = *:*, product of:
1.0 = boost
1.0 = queryNorm
Mukhopadhyay, S.; Peng, S.; Raje, R.; Mostafa, J.; Palakal, M.: Distributed multi-agent information filtering : a comparative study (2005)
1.0 = *:*, product of:
1.0 = boost
1.0 = queryNorm
Mostafa, J.: Bessere Suchmaschinen für das Web (2006)
1.0 = *:*, product of:
1.0 = boost
1.0 = queryNorm
Mongin, L.; Fu, Y.Y.; Mostafa, J.: Open Archives data Service prototype and automated subject indexing using D-Lib archive content as a testbed (2003)
1.0 = *:*, product of:
1.0 = boost
1.0 = queryNorm
Zhang, J.; Mostafa, J.; Tripathy, H.: Information retrieval by semantic analysis and visualization of the concept space of D-Lib® magazine (2002)
1.0 = *:*, product of:
1.0 = boost
1.0 = queryNorm
Seki, K.; Mostafa, J.: Gene ontology annotation as text categorization : an empirical study (2008)
1.0 = *:*, product of:
1.0 = boost
1.0 = queryNorm
Mostafa, J.; Hall, D.M.: ¬A proposed quantitative methodology to characterize the corporate library universe : the role of personal research interests (2018)
1.0 = *:*, product of:
1.0 = boost
1.0 = queryNorm
Zhang, Y.; Wu, D.; Hagen, L.; Song, I.-Y.; Mostafa, J.; Oh, S.; Anderson, T.; Shah, C.; Bishop, B.W.; Hopfgartner, F.; Eckert, K.; Federer, L.; Saltz, J.S.: Data science curriculum in the iField (2023)
1.0 = *:*, product of:
1.0 = boost
1.0 = queryNorm