Document (#9048)

Helal, A.H.
Resource sharing : new technologies as a must for universal availability of information. Festschrift in honor of Hans-Peter Geh. 16th International Essen Symposium, 18.-21.10.1993
Essen : Universitätsbibliothek
311 S
Publications of Essen University Library; 17
Enthält u.a. folgende Beiträge: WHITE, H.S.: Electronic resource sharing: it may semm obvious, but it's not as simples as it looks; MITCHELL, J.: Resource sharing through OCLC: a comprehensive approach; CORALL, S.: The business information network: improving European enterprise through resource sharing; FEDUNOK, S. u. S. BONK: Cooperative acquisition and new technologies for resource management and resource sharing: an American model; HUSTON, M.M. u. R. SKINNER: Information networking issues and initiatives: the North Texas experience; SANDORE, B. u. K. RYAN: Evaluating electronic resources: a study using three concurrent methods; GALLIVAN, B.: IT and resource sharing in Scottish libraries together with a note on image compression standards; BLUNDEN-ELLIS, J.: The Consortium of Academic Libraries in Manchester (CALIM): strategic and development planning of a new consortium; SKOGMAR, G.: Information networking in the Nordic countries: a Swedish perspective; LAEGREID, J.A.: The Nordic SR-net project: implementing of the SR / Z39.50 standards in the Nordic countries; WALRAVENS, H.: New developments in standard numbering; McDonald, D.R.: The philosophical and practical dimensions of resource sharing; GROEN, F.K.: Resource sharing in a changing library environment: strategies and policies in a Canadian research library; SAUR, K.G.: The international library market for CD-ROM publications; RITTER, G.: High performance CD-ROM network computing; BUCKLE, D.: Group on Electronic Document Interchange (GEDI): international cooperation for the electronic exchange of documents; DeKEMP, A.: New ways for the delivery of information: IT, networks, SGML, multimedia and so on; McLELLAN, M.: Retrospective conversion of catalogues in European co-operative systems: AHRENS, P.: Fuzzy logic: is it a better bibliographical retrieval method for end-users? LARSEN, G.: Advances in OPACs in Europe: an overview; HEDBERG, S.: Improving data quality in an OPAC from the '70s; BAZUZI, J. u. R. WÜST: Integrating images into the OPAC: issues in distributed multimedia libraries; AUSTIN, D.L.: An image is not an object: but it can help
Rez. in: Online-Mitteilungen. Nr.49(1994) H.2, S.118-121 (K. Niedermaier); Bibliothek: Forschung u. Praxis 18(1994) H.3, S.411-414 (W. Enderle)

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