Document (#5667)

Strub, P.
Wissensrepräsentation : [Themenheft]
Informationstechnik IT. 31(1989) no.2, S.91-170
Enthält: LAUBSCH, J.: Towards a theory of knowledge representation; REINFRANK, M.: Formulae and models: knowledge representation in logic; FALTINGS, B.: Knowledge representation for qualitative reasoning; STOYAN, H.: Knowledge representation or programming?; FRESKA, C.: Knowledge representation and cognitive science; HÄRDER, T.: Classical data models and knowledge representation; GÖRZ, G.: Knowledge representation and natural language processing; DECKER, R.: Bibliographie zu: Knowledge representation in artificial intelligence
Rez. in: Knowledge organization 21(1994) no.1, S.45-47 (P. Jaenecke)

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