Document (#43745)

Gergen, K.J.
¬An invitation to social construction
London : Sage
VII, 248 S
Neuauflagen 2009 und 2015: This new edition of Kenneth Gergen's landmark Invitation to Social Construction offers readers a clear and more thorough introduction to the theory and practice of social constructionism. Particular to this new edition is a writing style more directed to the undergraduate, a larger more student-friendly format as well as textboxes/visual material employed throughout to lift concepts to a more relevant state of meaning. This new edition of Kenneth J. Gergen's celebrated text An Invitation to Social Construction is now even more accessible for students, offering a clear and thorough introduction to one of the most significant movements in contemporary social science. The Third Edition includes: updates reflecting the many new developments in theory, research, and practice a student-friendly, personal writing style three new chapters on education, organizations, and therapy and health care key insights into how social construction can help support you in your research projects, from start to finish. An Invitation to Social Construction is the must-read text for all social science students, academics and practitioners wishing to learn about social constructionism, along with the forms of inquiry and practice central to its impact.4th. ed. 2022.
Vgl. den Beitrag: Misra, G., A. Prakash: Kenneth J. Gergen and social constructionism: Editorial. In: Psychological studies. 57(2012), p.121-125.
Social psychology
Social problems
Discourse analysis
Social interaction
Social sciences / Philosophy
Konstruktivismus / Psychologie
Soziale Konstruktion
71.02 Theorie der Soziologie
77.60 Sozialpsychologie: Allgemeines
MR 6000: Allgemeine (sozial-) psychologische Theorien und Textsammlungen / Soziologie / Sozialwissenschaftliche Theorien und Methoden
CV 7000: Theorie der sozialen Systeme / Psychologie / Sozialpsychologie

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                8.235732 = idf(docFreq=31, maxDocs=44421)
                0.25 = fieldNorm(doc=1490)
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            0.53542936 = score(doc=1490,freq=1.0), product of:
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                8.482592 = idf(docFreq=24, maxDocs=44421)
                0.012792473 = queryNorm
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                  1.0 = termFreq=1.0
                8.482592 = idf(docFreq=24, maxDocs=44421)
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