Franke, F.: ¬Das Framework for Information Literacy : neue Impulse für die Förderung von Informationskompetenz in Deutschland?! (2017)
0.22170438 = sum of:
0.22170438 = product of:
0.79180133 = sum of:
0.02912044 = weight(abstract_txt:education in 3248) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
0.02912044 = score(doc=3248,freq=1.0), product of:
0.073005185 = queryWeight, product of:
5.105687 = idf(docFreq=731, maxDocs=44421)
0.014298798 = queryNorm
0.3988818 = fieldWeight in 3248, product of:
1.0 = tf(freq=1.0), with freq of:
1.0 = termFreq=1.0
5.105687 = idf(docFreq=731, maxDocs=44421)
0.078125 = fieldNorm(doc=3248)
0.033880506 = weight(abstract_txt:higher in 3248) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
0.033880506 = score(doc=3248,freq=1.0), product of:
0.08075852 = queryWeight, product of:
1.0517616 = boost
5.3699656 = idf(docFreq=561, maxDocs=44421)
0.014298798 = queryNorm
0.41952854 = fieldWeight in 3248, product of:
1.0 = tf(freq=1.0), with freq of:
1.0 = termFreq=1.0
5.3699656 = idf(docFreq=561, maxDocs=44421)
0.078125 = fieldNorm(doc=3248)
0.00928988 = weight(abstract_txt:information in 3248) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
0.00928988 = score(doc=3248,freq=1.0), product of:
0.049158912 = queryWeight, product of:
1.4212972 = boost
2.4188995 = idf(docFreq=10748, maxDocs=44421)
0.014298798 = queryNorm
0.18897653 = fieldWeight in 3248, product of:
1.0 = tf(freq=1.0), with freq of:
1.0 = termFreq=1.0
2.4188995 = idf(docFreq=10748, maxDocs=44421)
0.078125 = fieldNorm(doc=3248)
0.08214042 = weight(abstract_txt:framework in 3248) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
0.08214042 = score(doc=3248,freq=4.0), product of:
0.115677714 = queryWeight, product of:
1.7801762 = boost
4.5445113 = idf(docFreq=1282, maxDocs=44421)
0.014298798 = queryNorm
0.7100799 = fieldWeight in 3248, product of:
2.0 = tf(freq=4.0), with freq of:
4.0 = termFreq=4.0
4.5445113 = idf(docFreq=1282, maxDocs=44421)
0.078125 = fieldNorm(doc=3248)
0.1231911 = weight(abstract_txt:verständnis in 3248) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
0.1231911 = score(doc=3248,freq=1.0), product of:
0.24059391 = queryWeight, product of:
2.5673227 = boost
6.553973 = idf(docFreq=171, maxDocs=44421)
0.014298798 = queryNorm
0.5120292 = fieldWeight in 3248, product of:
1.0 = tf(freq=1.0), with freq of:
1.0 = termFreq=1.0
6.553973 = idf(docFreq=171, maxDocs=44421)
0.078125 = fieldNorm(doc=3248)
0.14655799 = weight(abstract_txt:literacy in 3248) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
0.14655799 = score(doc=3248,freq=1.0), product of:
0.30922067 = queryWeight, product of:
3.5646594 = boost
6.066678 = idf(docFreq=279, maxDocs=44421)
0.014298798 = queryNorm
0.4739592 = fieldWeight in 3248, product of:
1.0 = tf(freq=1.0), with freq of:
1.0 = termFreq=1.0
6.066678 = idf(docFreq=279, maxDocs=44421)
0.078125 = fieldNorm(doc=3248)
0.36762103 = weight(abstract_txt:informationskompetenz in 3248) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
0.36762103 = score(doc=3248,freq=4.0), product of:
0.3596188 = queryWeight, product of:
3.844191 = boost
6.5424123 = idf(docFreq=173, maxDocs=44421)
0.014298798 = queryNorm
1.022252 = fieldWeight in 3248, product of:
2.0 = tf(freq=4.0), with freq of:
4.0 = termFreq=4.0
6.5424123 = idf(docFreq=173, maxDocs=44421)
0.078125 = fieldNorm(doc=3248)
0.28 = coord(7/25)
Schoenbeck, O.; Schröter, M.; Werr, N.: Making of oder Lost in translation? : Das Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education - Herausforderungen bei der Übersetzung ins Deutsche und der bibliothekarischen Anwendung (2021)
0.15880077 = sum of:
0.15880077 = product of:
0.66166985 = sum of:
0.049419027 = weight(abstract_txt:education in 1298) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
0.049419027 = score(doc=1298,freq=2.0), product of:
0.073005185 = queryWeight, product of:
5.105687 = idf(docFreq=731, maxDocs=44421)
0.014298798 = queryNorm
0.6769249 = fieldWeight in 1298, product of:
1.4142135 = tf(freq=2.0), with freq of:
2.0 = termFreq=2.0
5.105687 = idf(docFreq=731, maxDocs=44421)
0.09375 = fieldNorm(doc=1298)
0.05749712 = weight(abstract_txt:higher in 1298) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
0.05749712 = score(doc=1298,freq=2.0), product of:
0.08075852 = queryWeight, product of:
1.0517616 = boost
5.3699656 = idf(docFreq=561, maxDocs=44421)
0.014298798 = queryNorm
0.71196353 = fieldWeight in 1298, product of:
1.4142135 = tf(freq=2.0), with freq of:
2.0 = termFreq=2.0
5.3699656 = idf(docFreq=561, maxDocs=44421)
0.09375 = fieldNorm(doc=1298)
0.01576545 = weight(abstract_txt:information in 1298) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
0.01576545 = score(doc=1298,freq=2.0), product of:
0.049158912 = queryWeight, product of:
1.4212972 = boost
2.4188995 = idf(docFreq=10748, maxDocs=44421)
0.014298798 = queryNorm
0.3207038 = fieldWeight in 1298, product of:
1.4142135 = tf(freq=2.0), with freq of:
2.0 = termFreq=2.0
2.4188995 = idf(docFreq=10748, maxDocs=44421)
0.09375 = fieldNorm(doc=1298)
0.06969845 = weight(abstract_txt:framework in 1298) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
0.06969845 = score(doc=1298,freq=2.0), product of:
0.115677714 = queryWeight, product of:
1.7801762 = boost
4.5445113 = idf(docFreq=1282, maxDocs=44421)
0.014298798 = queryNorm
0.60252273 = fieldWeight in 1298, product of:
1.4142135 = tf(freq=2.0), with freq of:
2.0 = termFreq=2.0
4.5445113 = idf(docFreq=1282, maxDocs=44421)
0.09375 = fieldNorm(doc=1298)
0.24871716 = weight(abstract_txt:literacy in 1298) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
0.24871716 = score(doc=1298,freq=2.0), product of:
0.30922067 = queryWeight, product of:
3.5646594 = boost
6.066678 = idf(docFreq=279, maxDocs=44421)
0.014298798 = queryNorm
0.8043355 = fieldWeight in 1298, product of:
1.4142135 = tf(freq=2.0), with freq of:
2.0 = termFreq=2.0
6.066678 = idf(docFreq=279, maxDocs=44421)
0.09375 = fieldNorm(doc=1298)
0.22057262 = weight(abstract_txt:informationskompetenz in 1298) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
0.22057262 = score(doc=1298,freq=1.0), product of:
0.3596188 = queryWeight, product of:
3.844191 = boost
6.5424123 = idf(docFreq=173, maxDocs=44421)
0.014298798 = queryNorm
0.61335117 = fieldWeight in 1298, product of:
1.0 = tf(freq=1.0), with freq of:
1.0 = termFreq=1.0
6.5424123 = idf(docFreq=173, maxDocs=44421)
0.09375 = fieldNorm(doc=1298)
0.24 = coord(6/25)
Schoenbeck, O.; Schröter, M.; Werr, N.: Framework Informationskompetenz in der Hochschulbildung (2021)
0.15880077 = sum of:
0.15880077 = product of:
0.66166985 = sum of:
0.049419027 = weight(abstract_txt:education in 1299) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
0.049419027 = score(doc=1299,freq=2.0), product of:
0.073005185 = queryWeight, product of:
5.105687 = idf(docFreq=731, maxDocs=44421)
0.014298798 = queryNorm
0.6769249 = fieldWeight in 1299, product of:
1.4142135 = tf(freq=2.0), with freq of:
2.0 = termFreq=2.0
5.105687 = idf(docFreq=731, maxDocs=44421)
0.09375 = fieldNorm(doc=1299)
0.05749712 = weight(abstract_txt:higher in 1299) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
0.05749712 = score(doc=1299,freq=2.0), product of:
0.08075852 = queryWeight, product of:
1.0517616 = boost
5.3699656 = idf(docFreq=561, maxDocs=44421)
0.014298798 = queryNorm
0.71196353 = fieldWeight in 1299, product of:
1.4142135 = tf(freq=2.0), with freq of:
2.0 = termFreq=2.0
5.3699656 = idf(docFreq=561, maxDocs=44421)
0.09375 = fieldNorm(doc=1299)
0.01576545 = weight(abstract_txt:information in 1299) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
0.01576545 = score(doc=1299,freq=2.0), product of:
0.049158912 = queryWeight, product of:
1.4212972 = boost
2.4188995 = idf(docFreq=10748, maxDocs=44421)
0.014298798 = queryNorm
0.3207038 = fieldWeight in 1299, product of:
1.4142135 = tf(freq=2.0), with freq of:
2.0 = termFreq=2.0
2.4188995 = idf(docFreq=10748, maxDocs=44421)
0.09375 = fieldNorm(doc=1299)
0.06969845 = weight(abstract_txt:framework in 1299) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
0.06969845 = score(doc=1299,freq=2.0), product of:
0.115677714 = queryWeight, product of:
1.7801762 = boost
4.5445113 = idf(docFreq=1282, maxDocs=44421)
0.014298798 = queryNorm
0.60252273 = fieldWeight in 1299, product of:
1.4142135 = tf(freq=2.0), with freq of:
2.0 = termFreq=2.0
4.5445113 = idf(docFreq=1282, maxDocs=44421)
0.09375 = fieldNorm(doc=1299)
0.24871716 = weight(abstract_txt:literacy in 1299) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
0.24871716 = score(doc=1299,freq=2.0), product of:
0.30922067 = queryWeight, product of:
3.5646594 = boost
6.066678 = idf(docFreq=279, maxDocs=44421)
0.014298798 = queryNorm
0.8043355 = fieldWeight in 1299, product of:
1.4142135 = tf(freq=2.0), with freq of:
2.0 = termFreq=2.0
6.066678 = idf(docFreq=279, maxDocs=44421)
0.09375 = fieldNorm(doc=1299)
0.22057262 = weight(abstract_txt:informationskompetenz in 1299) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
0.22057262 = score(doc=1299,freq=1.0), product of:
0.3596188 = queryWeight, product of:
3.844191 = boost
6.5424123 = idf(docFreq=173, maxDocs=44421)
0.014298798 = queryNorm
0.61335117 = fieldWeight in 1299, product of:
1.0 = tf(freq=1.0), with freq of:
1.0 = termFreq=1.0
6.5424123 = idf(docFreq=173, maxDocs=44421)
0.09375 = fieldNorm(doc=1299)
0.24 = coord(6/25)
Nilges, A.; Reessing-Fidorra, M.; Vogt, R.: Standards für die Vermittlung von Informationskompetenz an der Hochschule (2003)
0.13428198 = sum of:
0.13428198 = product of:
0.41963118 = sum of:
0.023296352 = weight(abstract_txt:education in 2493) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
0.023296352 = score(doc=2493,freq=1.0), product of:
0.073005185 = queryWeight, product of:
5.105687 = idf(docFreq=731, maxDocs=44421)
0.014298798 = queryNorm
0.31910545 = fieldWeight in 2493, product of:
1.0 = tf(freq=1.0), with freq of:
1.0 = termFreq=1.0
5.105687 = idf(docFreq=731, maxDocs=44421)
0.0625 = fieldNorm(doc=2493)
0.027104404 = weight(abstract_txt:higher in 2493) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
0.027104404 = score(doc=2493,freq=1.0), product of:
0.08075852 = queryWeight, product of:
1.0517616 = boost
5.3699656 = idf(docFreq=561, maxDocs=44421)
0.014298798 = queryNorm
0.33562285 = fieldWeight in 2493, product of:
1.0 = tf(freq=1.0), with freq of:
1.0 = termFreq=1.0
5.3699656 = idf(docFreq=561, maxDocs=44421)
0.0625 = fieldNorm(doc=2493)
0.031718045 = weight(abstract_txt:andere in 2493) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
0.031718045 = score(doc=2493,freq=1.0), product of:
0.08968078 = queryWeight, product of:
1.1083395 = boost
5.658835 = idf(docFreq=420, maxDocs=44421)
0.014298798 = queryNorm
0.35367718 = fieldWeight in 2493, product of:
1.0 = tf(freq=1.0), with freq of:
1.0 = termFreq=1.0
5.658835 = idf(docFreq=420, maxDocs=44421)
0.0625 = fieldNorm(doc=2493)
0.037027843 = weight(abstract_txt:grundlage in 2493) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
0.037027843 = score(doc=2493,freq=1.0), product of:
0.09942922 = queryWeight, product of:
1.167025 = boost
5.9584646 = idf(docFreq=311, maxDocs=44421)
0.014298798 = queryNorm
0.37240404 = fieldWeight in 2493, product of:
1.0 = tf(freq=1.0), with freq of:
1.0 = termFreq=1.0
5.9584646 = idf(docFreq=311, maxDocs=44421)
0.0625 = fieldNorm(doc=2493)
0.0074319043 = weight(abstract_txt:information in 2493) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
0.0074319043 = score(doc=2493,freq=1.0), product of:
0.049158912 = queryWeight, product of:
1.4212972 = boost
2.4188995 = idf(docFreq=10748, maxDocs=44421)
0.014298798 = queryNorm
0.15118122 = fieldWeight in 2493, product of:
1.0 = tf(freq=1.0), with freq of:
1.0 = termFreq=1.0
2.4188995 = idf(docFreq=10748, maxDocs=44421)
0.0625 = fieldNorm(doc=2493)
0.028757812 = weight(abstract_txt:nach in 2493) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
0.028757812 = score(doc=2493,freq=1.0), product of:
0.10584629 = queryWeight, product of:
1.7028483 = boost
4.3471055 = idf(docFreq=1562, maxDocs=44421)
0.014298798 = queryNorm
0.2716941 = fieldWeight in 2493, product of:
1.0 = tf(freq=1.0), with freq of:
1.0 = termFreq=1.0
4.3471055 = idf(docFreq=1562, maxDocs=44421)
0.0625 = fieldNorm(doc=2493)
0.11724639 = weight(abstract_txt:literacy in 2493) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
0.11724639 = score(doc=2493,freq=1.0), product of:
0.30922067 = queryWeight, product of:
3.5646594 = boost
6.066678 = idf(docFreq=279, maxDocs=44421)
0.014298798 = queryNorm
0.37916738 = fieldWeight in 2493, product of:
1.0 = tf(freq=1.0), with freq of:
1.0 = termFreq=1.0
6.066678 = idf(docFreq=279, maxDocs=44421)
0.0625 = fieldNorm(doc=2493)
0.14704841 = weight(abstract_txt:informationskompetenz in 2493) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
0.14704841 = score(doc=2493,freq=1.0), product of:
0.3596188 = queryWeight, product of:
3.844191 = boost
6.5424123 = idf(docFreq=173, maxDocs=44421)
0.014298798 = queryNorm
0.40890077 = fieldWeight in 2493, product of:
1.0 = tf(freq=1.0), with freq of:
1.0 = termFreq=1.0
6.5424123 = idf(docFreq=173, maxDocs=44421)
0.0625 = fieldNorm(doc=2493)
0.32 = coord(8/25)
Rauber, K.; Nilges, A.: Was hieß noch mal schnell "Unterbegriff" auf Englisch? : Finden Sie die Antwort im Glossary to Terms of Information Literacy (2011)
0.13316281 = sum of:
0.13316281 = product of:
0.55484504 = sum of:
0.032399364 = weight(abstract_txt:grundlage in 518) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
0.032399364 = score(doc=518,freq=1.0), product of:
0.09942922 = queryWeight, product of:
1.167025 = boost
5.9584646 = idf(docFreq=311, maxDocs=44421)
0.014298798 = queryNorm
0.32585353 = fieldWeight in 518, product of:
1.0 = tf(freq=1.0), with freq of:
1.0 = termFreq=1.0
5.9584646 = idf(docFreq=311, maxDocs=44421)
0.0546875 = fieldNorm(doc=518)
0.0703261 = weight(abstract_txt:begriffen in 518) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
0.0703261 = score(doc=518,freq=2.0), product of:
0.13229926 = queryWeight, product of:
1.346176 = boost
6.8731537 = idf(docFreq=124, maxDocs=44421)
0.014298798 = queryNorm
0.53156835 = fieldWeight in 518, product of:
1.4142135 = tf(freq=2.0), with freq of:
2.0 = termFreq=2.0
6.8731537 = idf(docFreq=124, maxDocs=44421)
0.0546875 = fieldNorm(doc=518)
0.009196512 = weight(abstract_txt:information in 518) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
0.009196512 = score(doc=518,freq=2.0), product of:
0.049158912 = queryWeight, product of:
1.4212972 = boost
2.4188995 = idf(docFreq=10748, maxDocs=44421)
0.014298798 = queryNorm
0.18707721 = fieldWeight in 518, product of:
1.4142135 = tf(freq=2.0), with freq of:
2.0 = termFreq=2.0
2.4188995 = idf(docFreq=10748, maxDocs=44421)
0.0546875 = fieldNorm(doc=518)
0.025163086 = weight(abstract_txt:nach in 518) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
0.025163086 = score(doc=518,freq=1.0), product of:
0.10584629 = queryWeight, product of:
1.7028483 = boost
4.3471055 = idf(docFreq=1562, maxDocs=44421)
0.014298798 = queryNorm
0.23773234 = fieldWeight in 518, product of:
1.0 = tf(freq=1.0), with freq of:
1.0 = termFreq=1.0
4.3471055 = idf(docFreq=1562, maxDocs=44421)
0.0546875 = fieldNorm(doc=518)
0.1025906 = weight(abstract_txt:literacy in 518) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
0.1025906 = score(doc=518,freq=1.0), product of:
0.30922067 = queryWeight, product of:
3.5646594 = boost
6.066678 = idf(docFreq=279, maxDocs=44421)
0.014298798 = queryNorm
0.33177146 = fieldWeight in 518, product of:
1.0 = tf(freq=1.0), with freq of:
1.0 = termFreq=1.0
6.066678 = idf(docFreq=279, maxDocs=44421)
0.0546875 = fieldNorm(doc=518)
0.31516936 = weight(abstract_txt:informationskompetenz in 518) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
0.31516936 = score(doc=518,freq=6.0), product of:
0.3596188 = queryWeight, product of:
3.844191 = boost
6.5424123 = idf(docFreq=173, maxDocs=44421)
0.014298798 = queryNorm
0.87639844 = fieldWeight in 518, product of:
2.4494898 = tf(freq=6.0), with freq of:
6.0 = termFreq=6.0
6.5424123 = idf(docFreq=173, maxDocs=44421)
0.0546875 = fieldNorm(doc=518)
0.24 = coord(6/25)