Document (#42178)

Maltese, V.
Digital transformation challenges for universities : ensuring information consistency across digital services
Cataloging and classification quarterly. 56(2018) no.7, S.592-606
Universities struggle to offer complete, up-to-date and consistent information about their key assets to their numerous users across various digital services and communication channels. Key assets include people, papers, books, dissertations, patents, courses, and research projects. The main difficulty stands in the intrinsic data fragmentation and data diversity: data about the key assets is scattered across multiple information silos, data is often duplicated and difficult to correlate due to the diversity in the format, metadata, conventions, and terminology used. We illustrate how this difficulty can be tackled and describe the work carried out at the University of Trento in Italy.

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        4.8754888 = fieldWeight in 4815, product of:
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    4.8754888 = sum of:
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        4.8754888 = fieldWeight in 602, product of:
          1.0 = tf(freq=1.0), with freq of:
            1.0 = termFreq=1.0
          9.7509775 = idf(docFreq=6, maxDocs=44218)
          0.5 = fieldNorm(doc=602)
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    3.6566167 = sum of:
      3.6566167 = weight(author_txt:maltese in 603) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
        3.6566167 = fieldWeight in 603, product of:
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        3.6566167 = fieldWeight in 1369, product of:
          1.0 = tf(freq=1.0), with freq of:
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          9.7509775 = idf(docFreq=6, maxDocs=44218)
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                0.019488718 = queryNorm
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                1.0 = tf(freq=1.0), with freq of:
                  1.0 = termFreq=1.0
                9.499662 = idf(docFreq=8, maxDocs=44218)
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                0.019488718 = queryNorm
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                  7.0 = termFreq=7.0
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                0.0625 = fieldNorm(doc=466)
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                0.019488718 = queryNorm
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                  6.0 = termFreq=6.0
                2.4209464 = idf(docFreq=10677, maxDocs=44218)
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                0.019488718 = queryNorm
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                  8.0 = termFreq=8.0
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                0.0625 = fieldNorm(doc=842)
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              0.11947567 = queryWeight, product of:
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                3.3363478 = idf(docFreq=4274, maxDocs=44218)
                0.019488718 = queryNorm
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                  4.0 = termFreq=4.0
                3.3363478 = idf(docFreq=4274, maxDocs=44218)
                0.0625 = fieldNorm(doc=842)
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              0.51623464 = queryWeight, product of:
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                0.019488718 = queryNorm
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                8.008008 = idf(docFreq=39, maxDocs=44218)
                0.0625 = fieldNorm(doc=842)
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                0.019488718 = queryNorm
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              0.20232612 = queryWeight, product of:
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                6.140059 = idf(docFreq=258, maxDocs=44218)
                0.019488718 = queryNorm
              0.9400008 = fieldWeight in 5602, product of:
                2.4494898 = tf(freq=6.0), with freq of:
                  6.0 = termFreq=6.0
                6.140059 = idf(docFreq=258, maxDocs=44218)
                0.0625 = fieldNorm(doc=5602)
          0.09524946 = weight(abstract_txt:difficulty in 5602) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
            0.09524946 = score(doc=5602,freq=1.0), product of:
              0.231859 = queryWeight, product of:
                1.8100147 = boost
                6.572923 = idf(docFreq=167, maxDocs=44218)
                0.019488718 = queryNorm
              0.4108077 = fieldWeight in 5602, product of:
                1.0 = tf(freq=1.0), with freq of:
                  1.0 = termFreq=1.0
                6.572923 = idf(docFreq=167, maxDocs=44218)
                0.0625 = fieldNorm(doc=5602)
          0.024913274 = weight(abstract_txt:data in 5602) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
            0.024913274 = score(doc=5602,freq=1.0), product of:
              0.11947567 = queryWeight, product of:
                1.8374895 = boost
                3.3363478 = idf(docFreq=4274, maxDocs=44218)
                0.019488718 = queryNorm
              0.20852174 = fieldWeight in 5602, product of:
                1.0 = tf(freq=1.0), with freq of:
                  1.0 = termFreq=1.0
                3.3363478 = idf(docFreq=4274, maxDocs=44218)
                0.0625 = fieldNorm(doc=5602)
          0.066623315 = weight(abstract_txt:across in 5602) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
            0.066623315 = score(doc=5602,freq=1.0), product of:
              0.20913666 = queryWeight, product of:
                2.1053817 = boost
                5.097017 = idf(docFreq=734, maxDocs=44218)
                0.019488718 = queryNorm
              0.31856355 = fieldWeight in 5602, product of:
                1.0 = tf(freq=1.0), with freq of:
                  1.0 = termFreq=1.0
                5.097017 = idf(docFreq=734, maxDocs=44218)
                0.0625 = fieldNorm(doc=5602)
        0.2 = coord(5/25)
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    0.078419805 = sum of:
      0.078419805 = product of:
        0.4901238 = sum of:
          0.14192067 = weight(abstract_txt:struggle in 5449) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
            0.14192067 = score(doc=5449,freq=1.0), product of:
              0.18320692 = queryWeight, product of:
                1.1376956 = boost
                8.2629 = idf(docFreq=30, maxDocs=44218)
                0.019488718 = queryNorm
              0.7746469 = fieldWeight in 5449, product of:
                1.0 = tf(freq=1.0), with freq of:
                  1.0 = termFreq=1.0
                8.2629 = idf(docFreq=30, maxDocs=44218)
                0.09375 = fieldNorm(doc=5449)
          0.16470651 = weight(abstract_txt:universities in 5449) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
            0.16470651 = score(doc=5449,freq=2.0), product of:
              0.20232612 = queryWeight, product of:
                1.6908151 = boost
                6.140059 = idf(docFreq=258, maxDocs=44218)
                0.019488718 = queryNorm
              0.8140645 = fieldWeight in 5449, product of:
                1.4142135 = tf(freq=2.0), with freq of:
                  2.0 = termFreq=2.0
                6.140059 = idf(docFreq=258, maxDocs=44218)
                0.09375 = fieldNorm(doc=5449)
          0.08356166 = weight(abstract_txt:data in 5449) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
            0.08356166 = score(doc=5449,freq=5.0), product of:
              0.11947567 = queryWeight, product of:
                1.8374895 = boost
                3.3363478 = idf(docFreq=4274, maxDocs=44218)
                0.019488718 = queryNorm
              0.69940317 = fieldWeight in 5449, product of:
                2.236068 = tf(freq=5.0), with freq of:
                  5.0 = termFreq=5.0
                3.3363478 = idf(docFreq=4274, maxDocs=44218)
                0.09375 = fieldNorm(doc=5449)
          0.09993497 = weight(abstract_txt:across in 5449) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
            0.09993497 = score(doc=5449,freq=1.0), product of:
              0.20913666 = queryWeight, product of:
                2.1053817 = boost
                5.097017 = idf(docFreq=734, maxDocs=44218)
                0.019488718 = queryNorm
              0.4778453 = fieldWeight in 5449, product of:
                1.0 = tf(freq=1.0), with freq of:
                  1.0 = termFreq=1.0
                5.097017 = idf(docFreq=734, maxDocs=44218)
                0.09375 = fieldNorm(doc=5449)
        0.16 = coord(4/25)
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    0.074914426 = sum of:
      0.074914426 = product of:
        0.46821517 = sum of:
          0.007138938 = weight(abstract_txt:information in 5949) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
            0.007138938 = score(doc=5949,freq=1.0), product of:
              0.04718114 = queryWeight, product of:
                2.4209464 = idf(docFreq=10677, maxDocs=44218)
                0.019488718 = queryNorm
              0.15130915 = fieldWeight in 5949, product of:
                1.0 = tf(freq=1.0), with freq of:
                  1.0 = termFreq=1.0
                2.4209464 = idf(docFreq=10677, maxDocs=44218)
                0.0625 = fieldNorm(doc=5949)
          0.02478588 = weight(abstract_txt:services in 5949) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
            0.02478588 = score(doc=5949,freq=1.0), product of:
              0.09450436 = queryWeight, product of:
                1.1555694 = boost
                4.1963577 = idf(docFreq=1808, maxDocs=44218)
                0.019488718 = queryNorm
              0.26227236 = fieldWeight in 5949, product of:
                1.0 = tf(freq=1.0), with freq of:
                  1.0 = termFreq=1.0
                4.1963577 = idf(docFreq=1808, maxDocs=44218)
                0.0625 = fieldNorm(doc=5949)
          0.07089196 = weight(abstract_txt:digital in 5949) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
            0.07089196 = score(doc=5949,freq=3.0), product of:
              0.15113682 = queryWeight, product of:
                1.7897851 = boost
                4.332974 = idf(docFreq=1577, maxDocs=44218)
                0.019488718 = queryNorm
              0.4690582 = fieldWeight in 5949, product of:
                1.7320508 = tf(freq=3.0), with freq of:
                  3.0 = termFreq=3.0
                4.332974 = idf(docFreq=1577, maxDocs=44218)
                0.0625 = fieldNorm(doc=5949)
          0.3653984 = weight(abstract_txt:assets in 5949) [ClassicSimilarity], result of:
            0.3653984 = score(doc=5949,freq=2.0), product of:
              0.51623464 = queryWeight, product of:
                3.3078008 = boost
                8.008008 = idf(docFreq=39, maxDocs=44218)
                0.019488718 = queryNorm
              0.7078146 = fieldWeight in 5949, product of:
                1.4142135 = tf(freq=2.0), with freq of:
                  2.0 = termFreq=2.0
                8.008008 = idf(docFreq=39, maxDocs=44218)
                0.0625 = fieldNorm(doc=5949)
        0.16 = coord(4/25)