Document (#36808)

Hayes, P.
On being the same : keynote address
Classification and ontology: formal approaches and access to knowledge: proceedings of the International UDC Seminar, 19-20 September 2011, The Hague, The Netherlands. Eds.: A. Slavic u. E. Civallero
Würzburg : Ergon Verlag
"The Semantic Web and the rise of linked data is producing hundreds of millions of triples, all written in one (rather simple) logical notation by a plethora of authors. Not surprisingly, there are some oddities and internal inconsistencies in this data. One of the most common arises from assertions that two names or descriptions refer to the same thing, when in fact they are closely related but not in fact identical; and the worst of these is the so-called use/mention confusion, where a thing is said to be the same as a description of it. Use/ mention confusions seem to be common largely because human thinking finds them very natural, even though formal logics find them disastrous. Why? To deal adequately with the actual logic of human intuitions about linguistic meaning we will need semantic insights which better reflect the richly intertwined ways in which human language use weaves together concepts and descriptions. Most logical reasoning is based upon a referential style of interpretation which treats names and descriptions as ways to refer to things: the logic makes statements about these things. Equality is then a very simple matter. But human language often uses descriptions in a subtly different way, where they retain a meaning through changes in interpretation.This distinction is traditionally referred to de re - of the thing - versus de dicto - of the speech - reasoning. For example 'the number of planets' refers, in fact, to the number eight, but seems to carry more meaning than a simple numeral. The de re/de dicto distinction is most visible in modal logics formalizing statements of belief or necessity, and seems to be behind many of the use/mention confusions, though not all of them. ..."
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                0.05100541 = queryNorm
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