Document (#3680)

Griffiths, J.-M.
ASIS'91: systems understanding people : Proceedings of the 54th ASIS Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, 27.-31.10.1991
Medford : Learned Information Inc.
Proceedings of the ASIS annual meeting; vol.28
Enthält u.a. die Beiträge: AUSTER, E. u. C.W. CHOO: Environmental scanning: a conceptual framework for studying the information seeking behavior of executives; BROWN, M.E.: A general model of information-seeking behavior; MARCHIONINI, G. u. P. LIEBSCHER: Performance in electronic encyclopedias: implications for adaptive systems; MARCUS, R.S.: Computer and human understanding in intelligent retrieval assistance; FLORIAN, D.: Understanding and overcoming cultural barriers in information systems; NEWBY, G.B., M.S. NILAN u. L.M. DUVALL: Toward a reassessment of individual differences for information systems: the power of user-based situational predictors; SARACEVIC, T.: Individual differences in organizing, searching and retrieving information; HOWARD, D.L.: What the eye sees while predicting a documents's pertinence from its citation; JANES, J.W.: An alternative to precision; ADI, T. u. O.K. EWELL: A new mathematical model of an ancient paradigm for information processing; NEWBY, G.B.: Navigation: a fundamental concept for information systems with implications for information retrieval; FROEHLICH, T.J.: Towards a better conceptual framework for understanding relevance for information science research;SCHAMBER, L.: Users' criteria for evaluation in a multimedia environment; CASE, D.O.: An example of the social construction of information technologies: videotex in the United States and Europe; VIZINE-GOETZ, D. u. K.M. DRABENSTOTT: Computer and manual analysis of subject terms entered by online catalog users; BORGMAN, C.L., A.L. GALLAGHER, V.A. WALTER u. J. ROSENBERG: The Science Library Catalog project: comparison of children's searching behavior in hypertext and a keyword search system; HERT, C.A. u. M.S. NILAN: User-based information retrieval system interface evaluation: an examination of an on-line public access catalog; KALIN, S.W.: The searching behavior of remote users: a study of one online public access catalog (OPAC); WARNER, A.J. u. P.H. WENZEL: A linguistic analysis and categorization of nominal expressions; HAAS, S.W.: Sublanguage analysis using the case hierarchy; PALMQUIST, R.A. u. G.M. SINKANKAS: Client needs without clients: can we understand information needs without clients present to explain them?; HERSH, W.R. u. D.H. HICKMAN: A comparative analysis of retrieval effectiveness for three methods of indexing AIDS-related abstracts; LOGAN, E.L. u. M.L. PAO: Identification of key authors in a collaborative network; BONZI, S. u. D.L. DAY: Faculty productivity as a function of cohort group, discipline, and academic age; BROWN, M.E.: Design for a bibliographic database for non-professional users; BALARAMAN, K.: End-user studies in CD-ROM environment: work in progress; BROWN, M.E.: Library attractibility based on social styles of users; WILDEMUTH, B.M., E.K. JACOB et al.: A detailed analysis of end-user search behaviors; SHNEIDERMAN, B.: Visual user interfaces for information exploration; BELKIN, N.J.: Understanding user-intermediary dialogues from multiple perspectives

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