Document (#34499)

Mcllwaine, I.C.
Williamson, N.J.
Medicine and the UDC : the process of restructuring
Culture and identity in knowledge organization: Proceedings of the Tenth International ISKO Conference 5-8 August 2008, Montreal, Canada. Ed. by Clément Arsenault and Joseph T. Tennis
Würzburg : Ergon Verlag
Advances in knowledge organization; vol.11
This project to reconstruct and update the UDC Medicine Class (61) is an experiment in the ongoing development and revision of the Universal Decimal Classification as a whole. As part of that process, in 1988 the UDC Management Board recommended the establishment of a limited life Taskforce on UDC System Development to advise on the future development of UDC. That Taskforce recommended that a study be carried out to determine the feasibility of converting the system into a fully faceted classification. It was decided that the best way to accomplish this would be to convert one class. Medicine (Class 61) was chosen for the experiment for two reasons. First, this class was a part of the system that most out of date and greatly in need of revision, and secondly, it presented an opportunity to test an approach to the subject matter which would be in be in keeping with modem methods of the study and practice of medicine. This project is a direct response to that recommendation. Phase 1 of the project is now complete and Phase 2 is underway. This paper describes Phase 1 and its findings. identifies problems still to be addressed and sets out the methodology for Phase 2.
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