Document (#32070)

Williams, R.V. and B.-A. Lipetz
Covert and overt : recollecting and connecting intelligence service and information science
Medford, NJ : Information Today
250 S
ASIST monograph series
Intelligence work and the information professions / Robert S. Taylor -- Spies of the airwaves / Norman Horrocks -- Intelligence work and information science : two men in a boat / David Batty -- The intelligence game : seeing is believing? / Robert Lee Chartrand -- Applications of information science to U.S. naval intelligence and narcotics intelligence, 1974-1992 / Emil Levine -- A life in the information trade / Charles T. Meadow -- Information management in MI5 before the age of the computer / Alistair Black and Rodney Brunt -- Some aspects of indexing in British intelligence, 1939-1945 / Rodney Brunt -- Intelligence agencies, librarians, and information scientists / Colin Burke -- Historical note on information science in wartime : pioneer documentation activities in World War II / Pamela Spence Richards -- Technology for open source government information and business intelligence / George L. Marling -- Knowledge transfer : information science shapes intelligencein the cold war era / Lee S. Strickland -- The information science and intelligence literature : an overview / Robert V. Williams -- Defining what information science is or should be : a survey and review of a half-century of published pronouncements / Ben-Ami Lipetz -- Wanted : a definition of "intelligence" / Michael Warner -- Evidence and inference in foreign intelligence / Maurice H. Hellner -- The zoo and the jungle : a comparison of the information practices of intelligence analysts and of scientists / Harold Wooster.
Rez. in: JASIST 58(2007) no.2, S.303-305 (L. Hayden): "Part history and part call to action, Covert and Overt examines the relationship between the disciplines of intelligence service and information science. The book is significant in that it captures both the rich history of partnership between the fields, and because it demonstrates clearly the incomplete nature of our understanding of that partnership. In the post-9/11 world, such understanding is increasingly important, as we struggle with the problem of transforming information into intelligence and intelligence into effective policy. Information science has an important role to play in meeting these challenges, but the sometimesambiguous nature of the field combined with similar uncertainties over what constitutes intelligence, makes any attempt at definitive answers problematic. The book is a collection of works from different contributors, in the words of one editor "not so much a created work as an aggregation" (p. 1). More than just an edited collection of papers, the book draws from the personal experiences of several prominent information scientists who also served as intelligence professionals from World War II onward. The result is a book that feels very personal and at times impassioned. The contributors attempt to shed light on an often-closed community of practice, a discipline that depends simultaneously on access to information and on secrecy. Intelligence, like information science, is also a discipline that finds itself increasingly attracted to and dependent upon technology, and an underlying question of the book is where and how technology benefits intelligence (as opposed to only masking more fundamental problems of process and analysis and providing little or no actual value).
The role of technology in both intelligence and information science is just one question explored in Covert and Overt, which takes on more fundamental issues as well. Even the ubiquitous "What is information?" debate is revisited. But the questions asked are always subordinate to the overarching theme of bringing concepts and techniques of intelligence and information science together and examining the results. The process and lifecycle of intelligence is explored and mapped to information science methods, primarily indexing and information retrieval. In more historical explorations undertaken by contributors, it becomes apparent that intelligence and information science have always been closely aligned, but that this alignment is not always perceived by those engaged in intelligence work. Interestingly, and probably not surprisingly, a general consensus seems to be that library and information science practitioners involved in intelligence were (and are) more capable of seeing the complementary nature of the techniques information science brings to intelligence services than many intelligence professionals, who often needed demonstrations of efficacy to be convinced. Structurally, the book is divided into four parts, moving from anecdotal accounts through to discussions of definition and theory. Part 1, "Information Science and Intelligence: Reminiscences and Reflections from World War II to Today" is comprised of the personal stories of information scientists who also served as intelligence professionals at various times during and since World War II, collected from special panel presentations at the 2001 and 2002 American Society for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T) annual conferences. These contributors include former American and British servicemen and intelligence officers who all relate a common experience of dealing with information, documents, and other records in the pursuit of intelligence goals.
This book is a successful and realistic examination of the current state of inquiry into the relationship between intelligence and information science, and does not flinch from the limits of this inquiry to date. The book can be viewed as a deliberate attempt to stimulate further interest in these studies, and serves as an excellent roadmap for future researchers (like this reviewer) who also have moved from intelligence service into information science. Many of the stories and studies in the book could easily provide fresh and vital avenues of research to new and veteran scholars. If there are limitations to the impact of the book, most must be viewed in the context of the lack of literature from which to draw. Contributions come from a variety of sources and although some new studies are included, for the most part, the chapters are not original to this publication. This results at times in a sense of the editors taking what they could get on the topic. The reader must determine whether this is viewed as a flaw or as reinforcement of the editors' conclusion that more research into the subject matter is important and necessary. It becomes a question of whether or not one wishes to answer the call. One interesting limitation, however, is the lack of a critical stance on the part of most of the contributors. The chapters tend to describe the relationship between intelligence and information science, but few question the nature of that relationship, the social construction of the two disciplines, or moral and ethical concerns associated with spying and information operations. In general, a reader is left with the impression that intelligence service is a good thing, and that information science as a discipline can both improve it as well as learn from it. Little insight is offered into the value and direction of intelligence in the 21 st century, or the impact that our technologies may have. One exception comes from Colin Burke who, in his chapter, "Intelligence Agencies, Librarians, and Information Scientists," touches on some of these issues with his claim that library and information science practitioners must "help bring the information advances from the intelligence communities to an industry that can be committed to distributing information at the lowest cost to the most people" (p. 112). Nevertheless, no serious questions regarding issues of control, power, or resistance are raised. Given recent debates over surveillance, privacy, and the erosion of civil liberties in the wake of 9-11, it would seem that this is an area of intelligence and information studies that also deserves attention. Covert and Overt is an excellent historical overview of the close relationship between intelligence and information science. The book is also intriguing and timely in its argument for further research and study into these areas. Despite the limitations of subject matter and the challenges that come with the disciplines that it explores, it is required reading for practitioners in either world who wish to gain a greater understanding of the operations of the other."
Intelligence service / Information services
Intelligence service / Information resources
Information science
Geheimdienst / Aufsatzsammlung / Geschichte
89.86 Nachrichtendienste
327.12 22
JF1525.I6C68 2005

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                0.023452139 = queryNorm
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                4.167644 = boost
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                0.023452139 = queryNorm
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                1.4142135 = tf(freq=2.0), with freq of:
                  2.0 = termFreq=2.0
                5.8321705 = idf(docFreq=353, maxDocs=44421)
                0.15625 = fieldNorm(doc=4811)
        0.3 = coord(3/10)