Document (#31529)

Macey, J.F.
Benyo, J.C.
Quo vadis specialization? : the current status of catholic schemas in light of Vatican II and OCLC
Cataloging and classification quarterly. 8(1987) no.1, S.105-120
The Lynn-Peterson Alternative Classification for Catholic Books and Kapsner's Catholic Subject Headings were devised in 1937 and 1942 respectively to meet a perceived need for cataloging and classifying Catholic theological materials. While not universally adopted by Catholic libraries, both schemas enjoyed considerable use until their decline beginning in the 1960s. Although the latest editions of both works are obsolete, 1954 and 1963 respectively, by choice or necessity a small number of libraries still employ either or both systems. This study questions the practical and economic feasibility of the continued use of either system in light of the movement toward universal bibliographic control as presented by OCLC et al. and the ongoing climate of ecumenism. Moreover, while the test data directly addresses two schemas, it indirectly brings into question the validity of any specialized or locally developed system.
Lynn-Peterson Alternative Classification
Catholic Subject Headings

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