Document (#29901)

Klenner, M. u. H. Visser
Computational linguistics for the new millennium : divergence or synergy? Proceedings of the International Symposium held at the Ruprecht-Karls Universität Heidelberg, 21-22 July 2000. Festschrift in honour of Peter Hellwig on the occasion of his 60th birthday
Frankfurt : Lang
192 S
Schriften zum Managementwissen; Bd.3
The two seemingly conflicting tendencies, synergy and divergence, are both fundamental to the advancement of any science. Their interplay defines the demarcation line between application-oriented and theoretical research. The papers in this festschrift in honour of Peter Hellwig are geared to answer questions that arise from this insight: where does the discipline of Computational Linguistics currently stand, what has been achieved so far and what should be done next. Given the complexity of such questions, no simple answers can be expected. However, each of the practitioners and researchers are contributing from their very own perspective a piece of insight into the overall picture of today's and tomorrow's computational linguistics.
Contents: Manfred Klenner / Henriette Visser: Introduction - Khurshid Ahmad: Writing Linguistics: When I use a word it means what I choose it to mean - Jürgen Handke: 2000 and Beyond: The Potential of New Technologies in Linguistics - Jurij Apresjan / Igor Boguslavsky / Leonid Iomdin / Leonid Tsinman: Lexical Functions in NU: Possible Uses - Hubert Lehmann: Practical Machine Translation and Linguistic Theory - Karin Haenelt: A Contextbased Approach towards Content Processing of Electronic Documents - Petr Sgall / Eva Hajicová: Are Linguistic Frameworks Comparable? - Wolfgang Menzel: Theory and Applications in Computational Linguistics - Is there Common Ground? - Robert Porzel / Michael Strube: Towards Context-adaptive Natural Language Processing Systems - Nicoletta Calzolari: Language Resources in a Multilingual Setting: The European Perspective - Piek Vossen: Computational Linguistics for Theory and Practice.

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