Document (#28995)

OpenURL links to SFX in Google Scholar
BuB. 57(2005) H.7/8, S.490
"Ex Libris announced the immediate availability of a new set of tools to enable Google(TM) Scholar to display OpenURL links to SFX®. With these tools, institutions with the award-winning SFX link server can register with Google Scholar to have their SFX links displayed in Google Scholar search results. Once registered, the institutions' electronic library holdings are made available to Google Scholar so that the Google Scholar search results will clearly indicate when electronic full text is available. The new SFX tools result from recent work undertaken by Ex Libris in collaboration with both Google and a number of SFX customers who participated in the Google Scholar OpenURL pilot project. By tying local content into Google Scholar, the new tools address research needs expressed by many SFX customers. For libraries that do not yet enjoy the benefits of a link server, Ex Libris is pleased to announce ScholarSFX(TM). This groundbreaking service enables libraries - for free - to create customized links based an their institution's electronic journal holdings and display these links in Google Scholar search results. Patrons affiliated with the institution will then be able to link from the Google Scholar results to articles that are available through local institutional subscriptions or for free an the Web. ScholarSFX includes links to thousands of such free journals. - For additional information an SFX for Google Scholar and ScholarSFX, please visit:"

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