Document (#21332)

Spinner, H.F.
¬Die Wissensordnung : ein Leitkonzept für die dritte Grundordnung des Informationszeitalters
Opladen : Leske und Budrich
273 S
Studien zur Wissensordnung, Bd.1
Kap.1: On the matter of knowledge and its order; Kap.2: Concerning the development of knowledge technologies and their technical consequences; Kap.3: On the situation of the knowledge field in the age of information; Kap.4: Concerning the rise of the classical knowledge order in modern scientific and social institutionalization; Kap.5: On the transformation of science and on the change of knowledge order; Kap.6: On the new knowledge order of the information age. - Angang: Problem catalogue on knowledge order for disciplines concerned with it. On the state of discussion in selected subject areas as well as concerning cross-disciplinary order tasks
Rez. in: Knowledge organization 21(1994) no.3, S.162-163 (G. Wersig); Knowledge organization 21(1994) no.4, S.242-243 (R. Capurro); Vgl. auch den Beitrag von H. Fritsch

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