Document (#20456)

Capurro, R. u.a.
Konstanz : Universitätsverlag
300 S
Schriften zur Informationswissenschaft; Bd.18
Enthält die Beiträge u. Kapitel: HENRICHS, N.: Menschsein im Informationszeitalter; WIEGERLING, K.: Medium und Verhalten; BOUGNOUX, D.: Qui a peur de l'information?; CAPURRO, R.: Moral issues in information science; FROEHLICH, T.J.: Ethical considerations in technology transfer; DOCTOR, R.D.: Information technologies and social equity: confronting the revolution; BARBES, R.F.: Ethical and legal issues raised by information technology: the professional producer-product mix; FROEHLICH, T.J.: Ethics, ideologies, and practices of information technology and systems; Du MONT, R.R.: Ethics in librarianship: a management model; HAUPTMANN, R.: Ethical concerns in librarianship: an overview; SWAN, J.: Ethics inside and out: the case of Guidoriccio; SMITH, M.M.: Infoethics for leaders: models of moral agency in the information environment; KOSTREWSKI, B.J. u. C. OPPENHEIM: Ethics in information science; FROHMANN, B.: Knowledge and power in information science: a discourse analysis of the cognitive viewpoint 'Ein- u. weiterführende Bibliographie'; 'Ethik-Kodizes'

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