Document (#18823)

Hirsch, C.C.
InterBRAIN : topographical atlas of the anatomy of the human CNS
Study ed.
Berlin : Springer
The intricate 3D structure of the CNS lends itself to multimedia presentation, and is depicted here by way of dynamic 3D models that can be freely rotated, and in over 200 illustrations taken from the successful book "The Human Central Nervous System" by R. Nieuwenhuys et al, allowing the user to explore all aspects of this complex and fascinating subject. All this fully hyperlinked with over 2000 specialist terms. Optimal exam revision is guaranteed with the self-study option. For further information please contact:<BL>5/pr<BL>5<BL>02.html

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                6.285367 = idf(docFreq=224, maxDocs=44421)
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