Document (#17827)

Rojas, M.A.R.
Debate abierto sobre epistemologia de la bibliotecologia
Investigaçion Bibliotecologica: Archivonomia; Bibliotecologia e Informaçion. 10(1996) no.21, S.34-36
Report of a concluding session at the 14th colloquy on library science at the National Autonomous University of Mexico, to discuss issues raised by the formal sessions on theoretical and philosophical problems. Three main themes emerged: (1) library science does have specific status although its specific limits, concepts and terminology are not agreed; (2) the ethical aspects, especially the question of the moral responsibilities of the leaders of the library science community, give rise to concern especially in relation to teaching curricula; and (3) the relation between information technology and society, which should ensure priority goes to the social aspects of library science in aiding human development
Übers. des Titels: Open debate on the epistemology of library science

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