Document (#15778)

Griffin, J.
AskSam for Windows, version 3.0
Library software review. 15(1996) no.3, S.149-152
Reviews askSam 3.0, a free form text database management system for large volumes of textual data includding e-mail, literature searches, CD-ROM ancyclopaedias, USENET newsgroup files, downloads from online service providers and HTML documents. AskSam works with files, documents, data entry forms, graphics and embedded objects. It has its own word processor, will import files from other databases, implements hypertext and includes a phone dialling option. AskSam is suitable for librarians, information or marketing professionals and business planners. Discusses installation and setup; documentation; data structures and file creation characterisitcs; data entry; modification; editing and copying; the search engine; reports; importing/exporting; and special features
Bibliographische Software

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