Document (#14165)

Hurley, C.
Ambient functions : abandoned children to zoos
Archivaria. 1995, no.40, S.21-39
Since records are timebvound, and contextual metadata must be understood by an observer whose frame of reference is different from that of the recordkeeper, there is a need for external validation. The processes of terminological control, based on definition, are inadequate for this purpose and what is needed is a process of contextual control, based on observation. Ambience is the context of provenance and it is there that we will find external validation of provenance data. Functions offer one possible tool for crafting ambient relationships. Ambient functions define and give meaning to agents of recordkeeping within the context in which they operate and should be distinguished from business activities and processes which do not afford the basis for meaningful discrimination necessary when formulating appraisal categories and useful search patterns

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