Document (#11898)

Opitz, A.
'Allegro'-Anwendertreffen in der Herzog-August-Bibliothek in Wolfenbüttel
Bibliotheksdienst. 23(1989) H.2, S.149-153
Describes the result of seminars on the software package, Allegro, on 27-28 Oct and 3-4 Nov 88, organised by Brunswick Technical University Library and the Herzog August Library in Wolfenbüttel, in order to provide an opportunity for exchanging experiences on different Allegro applications, as well as information on current developments of Allegro and its prospects. Examines a series of case histories, including the use of Allegro in small libraries for cataloguing and the production of card catalogues, the creation of lists of new titles and subject catalogues for circulation, the cataloguing of periodicals with data in MARC format on CD-ROM, the use of Allegro in both MS-DOS and UNIX environment, and improvements in response times, as well as the introduction of window technology.

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