Document (#11625)

Franca, V.R.V.
Teoria(s) de cominicacao : busca de identidade e de caminhos
Revista da Escola de Biblioteconomia da UFMG. 23(1994), no.2, S.138-152
Communcation theory attempts to systematise the knowledge generated in this field. Problems result from the variety of approaches used, based on sociology and semiotics; and from its roots in socio-historical developments, which have given rise to numerous schools of thought in the 20th century. These can be grouped thematically to provide a global framework, comprising: the communication process; messages; reception; and the social production of communication. Establishing common links between these partial views is one path towards developing an overall theory but this negates the innate complexity which is the essence of communication
Übers. des Titels: Theory(ies) of communication: a search for identity and paths

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