Document (#10054)

Relyea, H.C.
¬The administration and operation of the Freedom of Information Act : a retrospective
Government information quarterly. 11(1994) no.3, S.285-299
The US Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) has been administered by federal departments and agencies for almost 30 years. Discusses the following aspects of that experience: administrative considerations; operational considerations; and cost considerations. While Congress created it and initially nurtured it through diligent oversight and legislative amendment, the FOIA has not comprehensively examined or evaluated for more than a decade. Its existing procedures would benefit from reassessment and upgrading, its capacity to contend with electronic formats is in question, and there is a need to discuss the scope of the FOIA's application to congressional or legislative branch records and possible new arrangements that may be necessary to facilitate effective operation of the law should this application be approved

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